Notice of Public Hearing

All citizens of Greenfield, Indiana, are hereby notified that on September 25, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., a public hearing will be held regarding the adoption of An Ordinance to Adopt an EV Charging Plan.


Preventing Frozen Pipes and Damaged Water Service

Do not call 911 or Police Non-emergency to report a broken pipe inside your home. Please call the Water Utility at 317-477-4350 or 877-861-6081 to have our 24 hour on call personnel come out to help you. 911 and the Police Non-Emergency phone lines should be called if someone is hurt, or the public safety is at risk

Cold weather and wind chills are a risk to water lines if the lines are not protected. Homeowners can expect frozen water pipes and water damage if exposed areas aren't properly insulated or we aren't careful about winter heating.

Here are some problem areas, warning signals and tips to minimize the chance of freezing water pipes.

• Pipes near broken or open basement windows
• Unheated crawl spaces and equipment rooms
• Pipes near the foundation or cracks in the basement wall
• Pipes near exterior wall in unheated room
• Inadequate heating in un-insulated or uncovered outside pit
• Pipes under kitchen sinks or cupboards

• Unusually cold water temperature (less than 35° F) at any fixture
• Unusually low water flow or low water pressure at a fixture
• Sputtering sound when opening a fixture

• It's safest to use hot air from a hair dryer or exhaust from a vacuum cleaner
• Use heat tape, but with caution and following the manufacturer's instructions explicitly, and unplug when

• Allow a small amount of water to run from multiple faucets
• Shut off and drain outside water faucets before freezing occurs
• Insulate walls near exposed piping

• To prevent fires, never thaw with an open flame or torch
• Be careful if pipe is cracked, it will spray water into electrical appliances when thawed
• Check and clear drains to prevent basement flooding in case of pipe burst
• Know where the main shut-off valve is located so you can turn it off quickly in case a pipe bursts


Damaged Water Service- Do not open your water service pit at any time. This can allow several negative results to occur and it may result in a civil fee of $2500 per occurrence. If you need additional information, contact the Greenfield Water Utility at 477-4350.


Contact Water Utility

Water Utility Manager
Address: 451 Meek St
Greenfield, IN 46140
Telephone: 317-477-4350

Assistant Water Utility Manager

Assistant Water Utility Manager
Address: Water Utility
451 Meek St.
Telephone: 317-477-4350

Distribution Supervisor

Distribution Supervisor
Address: Water Utility
451 Meek Street
Telephone: 317-477-4350

City Phone Directory

Mayor's Office - 317-477-4300
Clerk Treasurer - 317-477-4310
Utility Billing - 317-477-4330
Planning (Permits) - 317-477-4320
Street Department - 317-477-4380
Power and Light - 317-477-4370
Wastewater Department - 317-477-4360
Park Cemetery - 317-477-4387
Pothole Hotline - 317-325-1680
Parks and Recreation - 317-477-4340
Water Department - 317-477-4350
Animal Management - 317-477-4367