Notice of Public Hearing

All citizens of Greenfield, Indiana, are hereby notified that on September 25, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., a public hearing will be held regarding the adoption of An Ordinance to Adopt an EV Charging Plan.



As with any endeavor man has undertaken, the ability to truly master any skill has never been achieved. It is the belief that you can always do better the next time that leads man to constantly practice, train, rethink, redesign, and redo everything he does. The fire service is no exception.


The members of the Greenfield Fire Department are training constantly. Firefighters are mandated to train annually on subjects such as Hazardous Materials, EMT skills, breathing apparatus use, driving, and rescue skills. However the training does not stop there. Other subjects and skills are covered on a weekly schedule that goes 52 weeks a year.

City Phone Directory

Mayor's Office - 317-477-4300
Clerk Treasurer - 317-477-4310
Utility Billing - 317-477-4330
Planning (Permits) - 317-477-4320
Street Department - 317-477-4380
Power and Light - 317-477-4370
Wastewater Department - 317-477-4360
Park Cemetery - 317-477-4387
Pothole Hotline - 317-325-1680
Parks and Recreation - 317-477-4340
Water Department - 317-477-4350
Animal Management - 317-477-4367