Construction Regulation & Costs
Construction Regulation
General regulations regarding water service are listed in Section 408 of the PIDSSM (PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL) which can be downloaded from this link.
Questions or comments regarding these regulations or costs should be directed to either of the following departments:
- City of Greenfield Water Utility
451 Meek Street
Greenfield, IN 46140
(317) 477-4350 -
City of Greenfield Engineering and Planning Department
Keith J. McClarnon Government Center
10 S. State St
Greenfield, IN 46140
(317) 477-4320
No connection to any city-owned water main shall be allowed until a permit is obtained and payment of the availability or fee has been made. This charge is intended to provide funds for making extensions and replacements to the water mains, and to ensure that there is adequate capacity already in place to serve the new Customer. The charge shall be from time to time updated and fixed by the city, but effective October 1, 2021 shall be $2,000 per acre. Acreage availability fee may, in the city’s sole and absolute discretion, be excluded for areas platted for use as cemeteries, golf courses or parks.
(A) Application for New Taps. All taps for water service from the Water Distribution System shall be made under the direct authority and supervision of the Water Utility Manager. This charge is intended to provide funds for the production capacity of the treatment plants. All applications for new water service shall be made to the City’s Utility Customer Service office upon such forms as are approved by the Water Utility Manager from time to time.
(B) Scope. A property to be served by the Greenfield Water Territory, must be contiguous to a public street, alley or easement and have a public water main installed thereon.
(C) Irrigation Service Line. Any customer requesting and being granted approval to install an irrigation Service Line, shall be charged the minimum connection fee for a 1” meter as approved by the Board. Any irrigation system shall be installed in accordance with the then current specifications and standards of the Greenfield Water Utility.
(D) Fee. In any residential, business, or industrial area within the city limits, or in any area serviced by the city water mains, or in any other area where a water main is in the street, alley, or easement, and is contiguous to the property being serviced, the service pipe, material, installation, and the pipe of the service line shall be charged by the waterworks system as set forth below:
Meter Size | |
5/8-3/4 inch | $ 1,850 |
1 inch | $ 4,625 |
1 1/2 inch | $ 10,730 |
2 inch | $ 18,500 |
3 inch | $ 42,550 |
4 inch | $ 74,000 |
6 inch | $ 168,350 |
(E) The charge listed above plus the meter deposit shall be paid in advance. As of August 1, 2010, any request for a new water service must be accompanied by a “sewer lateral approval certificate” prior to the creation of a new account.
Contact Water Utility

Water Utility Manager

Greenfield, IN 46140

Assistant Water Utility Manager
Assistant Water Utility Manager

451 Meek St.

Distribution Supervisor
Distribution Supervisor

451 Meek Street