Lead and Copper Rule Guidelines
Working together to remove lead pipes
To follow the EPA’s 2021 Lead and Copper Rule Guidelines, GWU will be collecting an inventory of all water service line materials with an emphasis on service lines with lead material.
You will begin to see crews out in your area working to identify your homes service line material. GWU will have crews out locating and hydro-excavating in yards and roadways. |
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Was your home built prior to 1988?
If your home was built prior to 1988 and the service line has been replaced or you plan to replace your service lines please go to our city website and fill out the service line replacement form below. This will assist us in inventorying all water service lines in the City of Greenfield. Fill out the Service Line Replacement Form by clicking here, or scan the QR code below.![]() |
Is my water safe?
Yes. To keep our customers safe GWU has been utilizing specific water chemistry since 1993 to coat the pipes and services in our system to help prevent corrosion, allowing for safe clean drinking water. Required annual lead testing has consistently shown our water is free of lead and safe to drink. Greenfield Water Utility (GWU) is taking action to make the City of Greenfield a lead-safe city. We are committed to protecting the health of its citizens from hazards caused by lead and lead service lines. |
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City vs. Customer
Service Lines A service line delivers water from the water main to your house. It is split into two pieces at your property line. 1. City side, owned and maintained by the city, consists of utility service line and meter pit. 2. Customer side, owned and maintained by the property owner, consists of water service line. |
How Lead Gets into Drinking Water?
Lead can enter drinking water when plumbing materials that contain lead corrode, especially where the water has high acidity or low mineral content that corrodes pipes and fixtures. The most common sources of lead in drinking water are lead pipes, faucets, and fixtures. In homes with lead pipes that connect the home to the water main, also known as lead services lines, these pipes are typically the most significant source of lead in the water. Lead pipes are more likely to be found in older cities and homes built before 1986. |
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How can you locate the service line in your home?
This is typically found in the basement or crawl space and could also be
located near the water heater or the washing machine.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a service line?
A service line provides water from the public water main in or near the street to the property.
The water main is installed down the street and the public (utility-owned) service line connects from the water main, to the meter pit set after the property line, to four feet past the meter pit. The customer is responsible for the line into the house/building What is the Lead Service Line Inventory? The Greenfield Water Utility is required by federal law to submit lead service line inventories by 16 October 2024. All Public Water Systems to submit the inventory of what the material of a service line is that connects the home to the public water mains. What do I have to do? The first thing that we at the Utility are asking all residents that live inside city limits to do is to help us to protect the public health of our City. To do this we are asking those that live in the city limits go to our website, to take a simple short survey. Once completed that is it, no further action is required on your part. Will these inspections cost me anything? There is no cost to you for the Utility to inspect the pipe material in your yard. How will I know if the Utility is going to be conducting inspections? We will place yard signs at the entrances to subdivisions or the beginning and end of a city block. Will the Utility fix my yard? Yes. The utility will repair and return the property as close to what it was before the inspection. We will fill the inspection spot, and allow it to settle, then return to fill to grade and then seed and straw. What if I have further questions? Please contact the Water Utility at 317-477-4350 |
Contact Water Utility

Water Utility Manager

Greenfield, IN 46140

Assistant Water Utility Manager
Assistant Water Utility Manager

451 Meek St.

Distribution Supervisor
Distribution Supervisor

451 Meek Street