Notice of Public Hearing

All citizens of Greenfield, Indiana, are hereby notified that on September 25, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., a public hearing will be held regarding the adoption of An Ordinance to Adopt an EV Charging Plan.


Introduction to IMPA

IMPA Logo 2022


The Indiana Municipal Power Agency (IMPA) is a wholesale electric power provider serving the needs of 61 cities and towns in Indiana and Ohio.

IMPA was formed so its member utilities could share power resources, allowing cities and towns to provide electricity more economically to their customers. The Agency began operations as a “joint action agency” in 1983 with 26 members. As individual utilities, IMPA members had limited access to power supply options. By purchasing power from IMPA, instead of purchasing or generating it themselves, IMPA members found they could save money and keep electric costs as low as possible.

IMPA is governed by its members. Member utilities purchase their power requirements from IMPA and deliver that power to the residents and companies in their service territories. Altogether, IMPA members deliver electric service to over 330,000 individuals throughout Indiana and Ohio.
IMPA’s diverse power portfolio includes a mix of the Agency’s own generating capacity and some purchased power. IMPA’s active management of power costs and service quality has made it into one of the country's most competitive power providers.
IMPA member utilities provide local electric service at not-for-profit rates to municipal electric communities, serving towns and cities with populations ranging all the way from 200 to more than 57,000.


To learn more about IMPA, visit its website at

Contact GPL

Electric Utility Manager
Telephone: 317-477-4370
Fax: 317-477-4371

City Phone Directory

Mayor's Office - 317-477-4300
Clerk Treasurer - 317-477-4310
Utility Billing - 317-477-4330
Planning (Permits) - 317-477-4320
Street Department - 317-477-4380
Power and Light - 317-477-4370
Wastewater Department - 317-477-4360
Park Cemetery - 317-477-4387
Pothole Hotline - 317-325-1680
Parks and Recreation - 317-477-4340
Water Department - 317-477-4350
Animal Management - 317-477-4367