Riley Art Trail

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RILEY ART TRAIL Project Information

Construction Dates June 2024 – July 2025


Riley Art Trail Downtown Greenfield Construction Update January 2025

As the City digs into streets, sidewalks and underground utilities that are over 100 years old, many issues have caused construction of the Riley Arts Trail to come to a standstill this winter.

Those issues include utility line conflicts at North Street and Pennsylvania causing the need for construction plans to be redesigned, and the necessary materials put on back order. Overhead utility lines that needed to be moved were left unclaimed by any Utility Company for weeks, and the contractor ran into 5 separate underground fuel storage tanks. The fuel tanks were historically used by businesses and homes along North Street for heat and light. Removal of the tanks had to be carefully completed by environmental professionals, and reports had to be made to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

City Officials are reporting that construction plans have now been redrawn and approved, utility lines have been moved, materials are to be delivered this week, and removal of all the fuel tanks is now complete.

All construction delays have been resolved except for one - the weather. As soon as the weather allows, construction will begin once again. Opening the sidewalks and streets is our highest priority. All construction is expected to be completed by July of 2025.


The proposed undertaking is in downtown Greenfield along Riley Avenue, North Street, and East Street/American Legion Place in Hancock County, Indiana

The proposed project will construct a 0.7-mile concrete multiuse trail loop through downtown Greenfield. The Riley Trail will start and end at the existing 5.5-mile Pennsy Trail which extends from CR 150 W to CR 400 E within the city limits of Greenfield.

The proposed multiuse trail will be 10-foot-wide, replacing existing 5-foot-wide sidewalks.

Poetry of James Whitcomb Riley will be etched into the trail to be read as walking along in both directions.

Seven (7) interpretive panels are proposed along with 10 hand sculpted limestone benches by Cheryl Anne Lorance will be installed along the trail. The benches will depict Riley poetry excerpts, and Cheryl Anne’s art to illustrate the particular poem etched onto the bench.

Along the trail route seventeen (17) bump-outs will be constructed at the following intersections:

  • US 40/Main Street and Riley Avenue: bump-outs, and pedestrian crossing flashing beacons. Painted boulevards will merge traffic down to one lane on each side.
  • US 40/Main Street and Alley: bump-outs.
  • North Street and Pennsylvania Street: bump-outs.
  • North Street and SR 9/State Street: bump-outs, and a hawk signal as well as a refuge island in the center of SR9.
  • North Street and East Street: bump-outs.
  • US 40/Main Street and East Street/American Legion Place: bump-outs, and a hawk signal.
  • American Legion Place and South Street: bump-outs.

Forty-two (42) trees will be planted along the proposed trail route. Four types of large shade trees will be planted: Freeman Maple, Firespire American Hornbeam, Forum Tupelo, and Chinkapin Oak. When planted, the trees will be 4 inches in diameter and are expected to grow over 40 feet in height except for the Firespire American Hornbeam which will only grow to approximately 20 feet in height. In addition, five (5) trees within the project area will be removed. Four (4) of the trees planned for removal are within the Greenfield Residential Historic District.

Parking loss is anticipated as part of the project due to the addition of bump-outs along the project area and the construction of the trail which will encroach upon the roadway width and reduce it in some areas.

Currently there are 13 parking spaces on Riley Avenue, 15 parking spaces along US 40/Main Street, 61 parking spaces along North Street, and 75 parking spaces along East Street/American Legion Place. After the project there will be 0 parking spaces along Riley Avenue, 5 parking spaces along US 40/Main Street, 59 parking spaces along North Street, and 54 parking spaces along East Street/American Legion Place.

Though there is parking space loss throughout the project area, there are also public parking lots adjacent to the project area. There are several free public parking lots for those visiting the area located west of the courthouse on South Street, at the northeast corner of US 40/Main Street and East Street/American Legion Place, east of the Greenfield School Superintendent building on North Street, and at the southwest corner of US 40/Main Street and Pennsylvania Street. The residents along Riley Avenue will be expected to park in their driveways, garage, or side street.

The town is planning to install pedestrian-scale lighting posts along the length of the trail separately from this project using local funds.


Riley Trail General Construction Timeline For Public


City Phone Directory

Mayor's Office - 317-477-4300
Clerk Treasurer - 317-477-4310
Utility Billing - 317-477-4330
Planning (Permits) - 317-477-4320
Street Department - 317-477-4380
Power and Light - 317-477-4370
Wastewater Department - 317-477-4360
Park Cemetery - 317-477-4387
Pothole Hotline - 317-325-1680
Parks and Recreation - 317-477-4340
Water Department - 317-477-4350
Animal Management - 317-477-4367